In Partnership With

You directly help save wildlife with any item purchased. It's as simple as that. From every purchase, 1€ will be given to sea turtle conservancy.

Track, Protect, Preserve

Wearable Freedom for Our Furry Friends: Precision Tracking, Real-time Insights. Empower, Protect, and Celebrate the Unspoken Bond with Our Animal Tracking Bracelet – Where Safety Meets Adventure.

Ensuring Every Creature's Safety

Elephants face the threat of extinction, primarily due to habitat loss, ivory poaching, and conflicts with humans. Conservation is crucial to safeguard these majestic creatures and avert their extinction.

Take Care Of Animals

Snow dear, guardians of the frosty realms. We pledge to preserve their icy sanctuaries, ensuring they flourish in a world of crystal clarity, a haven where nature and nurture unite.

Take Care Of Animals

Tracking Bracelets

Protector Bracelets


  • 15.000+ SAVED ANIMALS

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What is a tracking bracelet, and how does it work?

A tracking bracelet is a wearable device that uses GPS technology to monitor and locate the wearer. It communicates with a mobile app or a dedicated tracking platform to provide real-time location updates.

How do I set up and sync the tracking bracelet with my smartphone?

Setting up the tracking bracelet is easy. Follow the instructions provided in the user manual, download the companion app, and follow the on-screen prompts to sync the device with your smartphone.

What should I do if I lose connection with the tracking bracelet?

In case of connection issues, ensure the bracelet is within the specified range of your smartphone. Check for interference and follow troubleshooting steps in the user manual. If problems persist, contact our customer support.

How accurate is the tracking information provided by the bracelets?

Our tracking bracelets use advanced GPS technology for accurate location tracking. However, the precision may vary based on factors such as satellite signals, environmental conditions, and the device's quality.